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Saturday 28 August 2010

Wann sollte ein Regisseur Flickschusterei aufhören mit einem Film?

In meiner Box ist in einer Pressemitteilung über ein Blu-Ray Ausgabe von "Der Letzte der Mohikaner" Das ist gehypt als "eine völlig neue Director's Cut von endgültigen gefeierte Regisseur Michael Mann."

Die Phrase "endgültigen Schnitt" machte mich lachen. Ich mag Manns Filme viel, aber er ist nicht endgültig. Er ist ein serielles recutter, und dies ist seine dritte Karussell mit "Mohikaner".Der erste war der 1992 theatralischen geschnitten, die unverändert bis 1999, als Mann eine zweite Version auf DVD, die vier Minuten entfernt freigegeben blieb aber hat acht (meist kleine Momente der Charakter-Entwicklung). Ich habe keine Ahnung, was diese neue Version enthält, und offen gesagt, ich bin nicht in Eile, um herauszufinden, oder kaufen Sie die CD, für diese Angelegenheit. Warum? Weil ich nicht will Mann zu ermutigen, weiterhin basteln mit seinen Filmen - und weil das ganze Phänomen des Director's Cuts und definitive Director's Cuts und restauriert Schnitte und Schnitte erweitert und stellvertretenden Schnitte aus der Hand bekommen hat und muss aufhören.

Außer natürlich, wenn ich das Ergebnis so. Ich bin so flatterhaft.

Recuts sind lästig. Sie schlugen bist-and-miss, und sie sind durch solche eigenwilligen Tagesordnungen, dass es schwer zu erklären, dass sie immer eine schlechte oder eine gute Idee angeheizt.

Bei dem Versuch, dieses Problem Frame, erkannte ich, macht es keinen Sinn, alle recuts Gruppe unter einem Dach. Es gibt viele Arten von recuts aus unterschiedlichen Gründen geschaffen, unter verschiedenen Umständen. Ob man bedenkt, einen zweiten oder dritten oder vierten Schnitt gültig ist (oder höher) auf die erste davon abhängt, was Sie mögen oder nicht mögen über den ersten Schnitt, und die Umstände, dass dieser erste Schnitt produziert, und was denkst du gewonnen oder verloren wurde in Revision.

Da ein Betrachter Offenbarung ist des anderen Verbrechen gegen die Kinos, um eine Rangliste der recuts wäre sinnlos zu versuchen. Stattdessen werde ich versuchen, eine Diskussion werde durch Klassifizierung der Kategorien von recuts unter Seitenhiebe auf bestimmte Filme und Filmemacher, dann öffnet das Wort an die Leser.

Kategorie 1: Revisionen

Definition: Ein Nachschneiden der Regisseur, der baut, Verträge und andere Kasinos mit der Schnittfläche beaufsichtigt, aber nicht wesentlich verändert das Wesen der Geschichte oder Themen.

Beispiele: Ridley Scott hat mehrere Versionen der meisten seiner Filme produzierte. Seinem 2003 theatralischen Nachschneiden von "Alien" war ein Straight-up-Überprüfung, eine nip-and-tuck Job, der fünf Minuten (meist durch Hacken die Köpfe und Schwänze abgeschnitten einige languorous Gründung Aufnahmen subtrahiert) und hat vier (darunter Ripley's Begegnung mit einem chestburster imprägnierte Capt Dallas, beobachtet bei Home-Video ergänzt, aber nie offiziell in den richtigen Film enthalten).

William Friedkin aus dem Jahr 1998 "Exorcist" nachgeschnitten hat einige erschreckende Bilder gelöscht Original von 1973 (einschließlich eines jetzt-CGI-assisted "Spider Walk"-Szene) und Coda, dass fast niemand gern. Die Coen-Brüder 1998 nachgeschnitten ihrer Debütfilm "Blood Simple", vier Minuten gekürzt und tauschte einen Song für einen anderen aufgrund von Rechten Fragen. James Cameron mit Recht als seine "Expanded Edition" von "Terminator 2" eine "Übung" als eine alternative Version.

Michael Manns alternative Versionen von "Heat", "Thief", "Manhunter", "Mohikaner" und "Miami Vice" (das Feature) waren meist futz Arbeitsplätze, die die Filme anders, aber nicht deutlich besser (mit Ausnahme des stellvertretenden home video Ausgabe gemacht "Vice", die den Film kühnsten Schlaganfall durch Aufkleben eines unentgeltlichen Action-Szene vor dem ursprünglichen's in medias res Diskothek Eröffnung zunichte gemacht). Steven Spielberg's viele Inkarnationen von "Close Encounters" made meist kleinen Tweaks (eine auffällige Ausnahme ist der zweite Schnitt, ein 1980 theatralischen Neuauflage, die das Schauspiel-to-Verhältnis rejiggered Intimität und zeigte das Innere der Mutter Schiff). Richard Kelly's zweiter Schnitt von "Donnie Darko", erklärt Dinge, die nicht definiert in der Kinofassung wurden. George Lucas hat Landschaften und Kreaturen der ursprünglichen "Star Wars"-Trilogie ab 1997 digitalisiert - angeblich, um zu visualisieren, was er in seinem Kopf vor 20 Jahren sah, konnte aber nicht schaffen, weil die Technik noch nicht fortgeschritten genug war.

Mein nehmen: Revisionen neigen dazu, die zumindest vertretbar oder fruchtbare Art der nachgeschnitten werden. Sie sind von Interesse hauptsächlich als akademische oder "Was wäre wenn?" Übungen, verschiedene, aber selten besser. Und sie neigen dazu, so viele Probleme als sie lösen.

Manns zweiten Schnitt der "letzte Mohikaner", zum Beispiel überlegen ist das Original in Bezug auf die Charakter-Entwicklung, aber die Action-Sequenzen fühlen sich in Orten, wo vorher hatten sie einen sharklike Eleganz abgehackt. Alle Editionen von "Close Encounters" Art von Unschärfe zusammen in meinem Kopf, wenn ich eine bestimmte Version zu sehen, ich bin immer froh, bestimmte Szenen zu sehen und enttäuscht darüber, dass andere nicht enthalten sind (mit Ausnahme von 1980 Finale im Inneren des Schiffes, das Spielberg Recht umgesetzt war ein Fehler und entfällt ab Zukunft cuts). Lucas 'CGI futzing aus der ursprünglichen "Star Wars"-Trilogie geschäftiger, aber nicht besser, und einige seiner Veränderungen (Greedo Dreharbeiten ersten, die neuen Songs in "Return of the Jedi" Luke's Schrei, als er in den Luftschacht in "Empire gestürzt ") waren einfach nur dumm. (Wenigstens Lucas der Schrei für den DVD-Release des futzed mit "Empire".) Und mach mich nicht an Kelly's "Donnie Darko" nachgeschnitten begonnen geschnitten. Es ist eine Schweinerei, dass Kelly schlägt Flake ist ein Genie, der von seiner schlimmsten Impulse geschützt werden muss - mit Gewalt, wenn nötig.

Bottom line: Was ist mit dem Ausscheiden aus gut genug, allein falsch?

Kategorie 2: Rescues

Definition: Eine Rettung ist ein Nachschneiden des Direktors oder von Verbündeten des Regisseurs handeln unter seiner Aufsicht überwacht. Die Absicht ist es, Teile eines Films, der sich für die Zeit oder Tempo Gründen, oder um ein Werk des Filmemachers Gedanke war, durch einen Mangel an Zeit oder Geld, oder durch Einmischung Studio kompromittiert wurden perfekt gestutzten wiederherzustellen. Diese Art des Schnittes ist in der Regel (aber nicht immer) länger, komplizierter und degressiv als der erste Schnitt.

Beispiele: James Cameron's längere Version von "The Abyss" konkretisiert die wichtigsten Paares Groll und Not und erläutert, was diese leuchtende Unterwasserwelt Ausländer bis zu waren, die Veränderungen intensiviert die Geschichte ist schon extravagant Sinne des Melodrams und des Gefühls, und machte die Aliens scheinen wie griechische Götter, ein Urteil über die Menschheit, sondern wie die Außerirdischen in der ursprünglichen "The Day the Earth Stood Still".

Ridley Scott aus dem Jahre 1992 Nachschneiden von "Blade Runner" entfernt eine monotone, Raymond Chandler-with-a-Kopf-Verletzungen Voice-over-Erzählung über Scott durch die Händler gezwungen, in den nächsten 15 Jahren schnitt er drei weitere Versionen. Scott hat auch einen längeren, yeastier Version von "Legend" (Wiederherstellung eines Jerry Goldsmith Orchesterpartitur, dass das Studio mit Tangerine Dream Synth-Tracks ersetzt hatte) und einer Extended Cut von "Kingdom of Heaven" (mehr Charakter-Entwicklung, politische und atmosphärische Bilder anzeigen ). Oliver Stone nachgeschnitten "Alexander" zweimal. Oder war es dreimal? Ich habe aufgehört zu zählen.

Francis Ford Coppola aus dem Jahr 2001 Bemühungen, "Apocalypse Now Redux" wieder 50 Minuten Filmmaterial aus dem Jahr 1979 Rohschnitt von "Apocalypse gelöscht Now", darunter die Französisch Plantage Sequenz, eine komische Zwischenspiel mit Boot-Besatzung stehlen Col. Kilgore's Surfbrett, und eine Szene, wo Kurtz liest eine Zeitschrift Time Geschichte Willard."Redux" deckt den gleichen Boden wie narrative den ersten Schnitt, aber die Charaktere sind mehr psychologisch plausibel und Vietnam fühlt sich wie ein eher geographisch als figurative Raum.

Mein nehmen: Die Rettung ist der Hail Mary Pass von recuts. Es zielt darauf ab, Glanz zu einer unruhigen, unvollständigen oder unvollkommenen Produktion, dividiert Kritiker und Zuschauer hinzuzufügen, und zeigen, was man hätte ", wenn nur" der Regisseur hatte mehr Zeit, Geld, Freiheit, etc. Aber das Ergebnis oft nicht zu überzeugen.

Cameron's mehr "Abyss" war besser: verständlicher, melodramatisch, materiellen und befriedigend. "Apocalypse Now Redux", jedoch fühlt sich mehr prosaisch und "realistischer" als die von 1979 geschnitten - eher wie ein Roman oder eine Miniserie und weniger wie die halluzinatorische, Ton-und Bild-driven Original. Einige interessante und markante Eigenschaften wurden sogar gewonnen, aber etwas Wesentliches verloren ging. Die dritte, vierte und fünfte Version von "Blade Runner" nicht das Gefühl, schrecklich anders der zweite Schnitt zu mir (obwohl viele Leute halte ich für das fünfte und endgültige Schnitt fast perfekte) zu respektieren.Das Nachschneiden von "Legend" ist Rühren, und die Partitur fügt Gewicht und macht den Film fühlt sich weniger wie ein Mitte der 80er-Produkt. Aber der Film ist immer noch recht dünnen Zeug, und nach einer Weile habe ich verpasst Tangerine Dream, die zumindest gab die dünne Story und Charaktere anämischen einen Anstrich von Frische. Die recuts von "Kingdom of Heaven" und "Alexander" verbessert die Filme aber keine grundlegende Drehbuchschreiben und Casting-Probleme zu überwinden. Das gleiche könnte auch für die meisten Rettungsmaßnahmen gesagt werden: Wenn ein Film Grundlagen nicht vor Ort sind, kein Betrag der reediting wird sie zu beheben.

Kategorie 3: Reanimationen

Definition: Cuts von anderen Parteien als der Regisseur verpflichtet, die oft mit dem Ziel der Zusammenbau ein Film, der abgeholzt wurde, überarbeitet und in einigen Fällen ohne Zustimmung des Direktors abgeschlachtet.

Beispiele: Ich werde hier nur ein Beispiel zu fixieren, weil es so ziemlich jeden Faktor ein Beispiel in dieser Art von Schnitt beteiligt. Orson Welles '1958 Thriller "Touch of Evil" wurde nachgeschnitten, remixed und teilweise reshot in der Postproduktion von Universal ohne Aufsicht oder Director's Zustimmung. Oder so Welles behauptet: Das Studio konterte, sie habe Welles gebeten, aus Europa, wo er sich auf seinen nächsten Film arbeitete zurückkehren, zu überwachen und zu überarbeiten "Evil", aber Welles zurückgegangen.

Dreißig Jahre später, Cutter und Sounddesigner Walter Murch (Coppola, die an vielen Filmen, auch beide Versionen gearbeitet "Apocalypse Now") betreut ein "restaurierten" Fassung, ausgehend von einer Wunschliste memo, dass Welles an Universal geschickt im Jahr 1957.Man könnte fast sagen aus dem Jahr 1998 schneiden einem alternativen Universum-Version von "Touch of Evil" für seine gutmütige versucht, den Film von Welles beschrieben, zu visualisieren.Die größte Veränderung ist in der legendären Eröffnung Kamerafahrt, die das Studio-mandatierten Henry Mancini Gastes entfernt. Als die Bombe-manipulierten Auto rollt durch die Stadt, hören Sie noch den Film Hauptthema ausstellenden stückweise von barrooms und Fenster der Ferienwohnung, in verschiedene musikalische Genres geordnet.

Mein nehmen: Reanimationen sind manchmal genügen aber fast immer problematisch. Ich habe keinen Zweifel, dass die Version 1998 von "Evil" ist näher an, was Welles gedacht, es ist richtig es in dem Memo. Aber würde Welles, der 1985 starb, habe "wiederhergestellt" der Film in genau dieser Weise? Vielleicht, vielleicht auch nicht - wir werden es nie wissen. So sollte die Version 1998 mehr oder weniger wert als 1958 abgeschnitten, oder das etwas länger, bessere Version, die 1976 veröffentlicht Universal theatralisch in Betracht gezogen werden? Ist es eine heroische Tat oder nur ein besserer Schnitt Experiment?

Ebenfalls problematisch (wenn auch nur um Seitenverhältnis geeks): "Touch of Evil" wurde ursprünglich in den squarish, 4x3 "Academy"-Verhältnis erschossen, aber beschnitten, 1:85-zu-1 für die im Jahr 1998 Kinostart. Glenn Kenny argumentiert überzeugend, dass Welles und sein Kameramann, Russell Metty, jeder Schuss gleichermaßen gut funktionieren in beiden Formaten gerahmt, und dass die Schüsse möglicherweise sogar den Anschein, mehr Dynamik mit einem schmaleren Ernte. Auf der anderen Seite aber auch, wenn der Regisseur Welles, wie viel mehr kann ein dynamisches erschossen werden?

Eine Reanimation ist weniger mühsam aus dem Jahr 1989 Neuveröffentlichung Version von "Lawrence von Arabien", das Material, das konkretisiert Lawrence's Leben (einschließlich seiner Vergewaltigung durch türkische Entführer schneiden restauriert) unter Wahrung des Charakters Kern des Geheimnisses. Regisseur David Lean beaufsichtigt oder jede Änderung genehmigt.Die bisher unbekannte Material einen guten Film mehr.

Kategorie 4: Reimaginings

Definition: Der Regisseur erneut eine Lieblingstitel, produziert einen neuen Schnitt, weniger wie eine zweite Meinung zu überdenken, als einen neuen Film aus dem gleichen Rohmaterial gebaut fühlt.

Beispiele: Ich werde einfach bieten nur zwei hier. Die erste ist Francis Coppolas "The Outsiders: The Complete Novel", a 2005 nachgeschnitten seiner 1983 Jugend-Melodram, dass 22 Minuten länger als die Kinofassung und eine Menge zottiger und mehr naturalistisch anmutenden wurde, mit zusätzlichen Szenen aus der Teenie-Zeichen Herumsitzen Schießen die Brise zu verschiedenen Themen nicht direkt auf dem Grundstück in Zusammenhang stehen. Coppola auch die ursprüngliche Fassung geschnitten ist pauschal Orchesterpartitur (von seinem verstorbenen Vater Carmine Coppola) mit einer Wand-zu-Wandteppich der Periode Pop. Alles in der "Complete Novel" fühlt sich anders an: das Tempo, den Ton, die allgemeine Sensibilität.

Das andere Beispiel ist "The New World" aus dem Jahr 2005 Epos über die Romanze zwischen John Smith und Pocahontas, geschrieben und Regie von Terrence Malick. Malick veröffentlicht den Film am Weihnachtstag 2005, in einem 150-minütigen Version, die in einer Handvoll Städte gespielt, um für die End-of-the-Year Awards qualifizieren. Dann schnitt er 15 Minuten für den Film nationalen Release ein paar Wochen später. Im Jahr 2008 veröffentlichte er ein 172-Minuten-Fassung auf DVD.

Mein nehmen: Diese beiden Fälle stellen den Extremen des "reimagining"-Strategie. Ein Beispiel ist schrecklich, die anderen faszinierend - und meiner Meinung nach, brillant. Ich verabscheue Coppolas "Complete Novel" und halte es für einen Fehltritt rivalisierenden Richard Kelley's "Donnie Darko" Gräueltat. Über die langweilige Sitzungen, Rap auf dem neuesten Stockwerk übernachtet haben sollte, macht die Director's Substitution der Periode Pop für Orchestermusik der ganze Film scheint kleiner und spezieller. Als Coppola aus dem Jahr 1983 schneiden freigegeben, nannte er es "" Gone With the Wind "für Jugendliche," und die Kombination aus überreifen Farbfotografien und einer Borderline-Hysterie der Gäste zeigte, dass er kein Scherz. Was auch immer seine Fehler (und es ist keineswegs ein Konsens classic) die erste Version von "The Outsiders" Pulse mit Leben. Die 2005-Version ist so leblos wie ein ausgestopfter-and-Elch Kopf montiert.

Malick drei Versionen von "The New World", auf der anderen Seite scheint mir bemerkenswert.Der erste Schnitt ist kosmische und nachdenklichen, betrunken auf pseudo-Emerson Poesie.Die zweite ist intimer, mehr fest auf die Hauptfiguren konzentriert. Der dritte ist in Kapitel mit gedruckten Titelkarten gebrochen, es enthält viele lange, Echtzeit-Begegnungen, plus Umwege in das Leben der Unterstützung der Spieler, deren Erfahrungen bereichern den Film Hauptthemen. Die ersten beiden Schnitte sind wie zweieiige Zwillinge von derselben Mutter geboren. Sie sind eindeutig zugeordnet, aber nirgends identisch zu schließen. Der dritte Schnitt ist die Zwillinge "kleinen Bruder, eine einzigartige Kreation aus der gleichen DNA eingebaut.Was ist denn hier Malick geht weit über futzing. Er ist ein Architekt herausfordernden sich zu drei verschiedenen Kathedralen aus dem gleichen Haufen von Backsteinen bauen.

Aber natürlich können Sie Ihre Laufleistung variieren.

Also sag mir, was Director's Cuts halten Sie für wichtig? Oder fehlgeleitet? Oder genügen aber lästig? Gibt es Ihrer Meinung nach, dass etwa auf einen Film gedreht? Gibt es irgendwelche Arten von recuts, die nicht toleriert werden sollte? Pile in die Briefe Abschnitt und lasst uns diskutieren.

Deep-Cut Questions For James Cameron And Jon Landau

"Avatar" is back in theaters today. It was ousted from 3-D screens earlier this year. The fanbase that's built up around the film is massive, and it's understandable: director James Cameron.MTV's Eric Ditzian and Kara Warner did a deep-dive interview with Cameron and producer Jon Landau in an effort to answer some of those last lingering questions. Hit the jump to learn whether people age during deep space travel, why the movie was set in 2154 and more!

James Cameron: A very small amount, because they're in cryogenic suspension. The ship's crew, which has to be conscious, age at a rate relative to their speed because they're going at .7 times the speed of light, so they're aging slightly slower than the people on Earth.

Jon Landau: Jim went through it with a bunch of people one day and plotted out a whole calendar with nuclear physicists and other scientists and creative people. Jim picked that date because it had to do with when Pandora was discovered, its relationship to other planets and all of those things. They backed up from when it was discovered and how long it would take to get there and they just started adding the years: here's when the base was built, here's when the Avatar program started.

What is life like on Earth in 2154?

Landau: Real estate has become so valuable that even the skies are sold as advertising spots, so there's advertising in the sky, like the Bat signal. In the cities, they have [super-fast] maglev trains. No matter how small your apartment is, usually your biggest purchase is your big-screen TV. TVs can be whole walls in apartments, no matter how impoverished you are. But we also believe that not everything changes in the future. If you went into a local bar in [2154], it's still going to have pool tables and TVs and people hanging out at tables.

Exorcism of The Last Exorcism

Originality or unique work is surely lacking today in Hollywood films , then you'll see the similar plots and twists over and over again. The Last Exorcism is another re-hash of many exorcist movies in the past, similar to Spanish's REC.Everything was from the camera's point of view regardless of who was holding the camera. But, it wasn't entirely shaky as REC, Cloverfield or Blair Witch Project. The movie did market itself like it was a found footage of someone's last exorcism similar to Cloverfield or Blair Witch Project. However, it would fail to answer the nice editing process by the camera or where was the footage found.

Paris Hilton arrested

Paris Whitney Hilton is known for her controversial appearance in a sex tape in 2003, and appearance on the television series The Simple Life alongside fellow socialite and childhood best friend Nicole Richie. She is also known for her 2004 tongue-in-cheek autobiography, several minor film roles (most notably her role in the horror film House of Wax in 2005), her 2006 music album Paris, and her work in modeling.Paris Hilton was arrested Friday night in Las Vegas for possession of a controlled substance after cocaine was found in her purse. She was arrested shortly before midnight on Las Vegas Boulevard after police pulled over a vehicle that Hilton was in
.In September 2006, Hilton was arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol with a blood alcohol content of 0.08%, the level at which it is illegal to drive in California. Hilton's driving license was subsequently suspended in November 2006, and in January 2007 she pleaded no contest to a reckless driving charge. Her punishment was 36 months' probation and fines of about $1,500. On January 15, 2007, Hilton was pulled over for driving with a suspended license and signed a document acknowledging that she was not permitted to drive. On February 27, 2007 Hilton was caught driving 70 mph in a 35 mph zone, again with a suspended license. She also did not have her headlights on even though it was after dark. Prosecutors in the office of the Los Angeles City Attorney charged that those actions, along with the failure to enroll in a court-ordered alcohol education program, constituted a violation of the terms of her probation.[86]
On May 4, 2007 Hilton was sentenced by Judge Michael T. Sauer to 45 days in jail for violating her probation. Initially, Hilton planned to appeal the sentence, and supported an online petition asking California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for a pardon. The petition was created and organized on May 5, 2007 by Joshua Morales. In response, various opponents started a counter-petition to maintain the sentence. Both petitions attracted tens of thousands of signatures. Hilton later switched lawyers and dropped her plans to appeal.
Now, With the events taking place outside of the Wynn Hotel, the hotel heiress was the passenger in a car stopped by local police - as the driver,boyfriend Cy Waits, was charged with non-alcohol related DUI.From there, cops searched Miss Hilton before ending up finding an undisclosed amount of a substance which ended up being cocaine. Then being booked in jail, Hilton was quickly released on her own recognizance after immediately hiring celebrity Sin City lawyer David Chesnoff - who has defended the likes of David Copperfield, Suge Knight and Vince Neil. As for the current standing, insiders tell that Paris claims the cocaine was found in a purse which didn't belong to her.

Thursday 26 August 2010

Tamara Drewe

Tamara Drewe is a weekly comic strip serial by Posy Simmonds published in The Guardian's Review section. The story was adapted into a feature film starring Gemma Arterton. Tamara Drewe is a joyful but occasionally dark comedy about a young newspaper journalist torn between two lovers. Tamara’s childhood home is being sold, and her return to the rural Dorset village where she grew up causes something of a stir. Having left as an awkward teenager she returns as a smoldering femme fatale, kicking up a storm of envy, lust and gossip wherever she goes. Tamara is the ultimate modern girl but her story of love and confusion is timeless."Drewe, a sexy flirt, returns to her small country village and stirs up dark passions among the locals." Gemma Arterton looks so sweet like that! Gemma Artenton has been in a lot of films, including Quantum of Solace (James Bond Girls) , Pirate Radio, and Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time.Tamara Drewe has transformed herself. Plastic surgery, a different wardrobe, a smouldering look, have given her confidence and a new and thrilling power to attract, which she uses recklessly. Often just for the fun of it. People are drawn to Tamara Drewe, male and female. Transform from clear up the house, she becomes an object of lust, of envy, the focus of unrequited love, a seductress. To the village teenagers she is ‘plastic-fantastic’, a role model.Ultimately, when her hot and indiscriminate glances lead to tragedy, she is seen as a man-eater, a heartless marriage wrecker, a slut.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

More people opinion about Eat, Pray, Love

The producers of Eat Pray Love, which stars Julia Roberts and is based on a best-selling memoir by Elizabeth Gilbert, the screen surrogate of the real-life free-lance magazine writer and novelist Elizabeth Gilbert who, in her 2006 memoir of the same title chronicled her trip to Italy, India, and Bali.That is precisely what Liz does, and Eat Pray Love’s remaining two hours are split fairly evenly between her time in Italy, where she indulges in good food, wine, and conversation with a group of attractive (or at least eclectic) Europeans; India, where she joins an ashram and tries to learn the arts of meditation and self-sacrifice; and ultimately Bali, where she submits herself to the tutelage of a cutesy-old medicine man who predicted more than a year earlier that her marriage would end, she would lose all her money, and would come back to him to learn. In Bali she also finds love again, this time with Javier Bardem’s hunky Brazilian divorcee Felipe, who is still nursing his own romantic wounds after more than a decade. She undergoes a tough divorce, begins and ends a rebound affair, and escapes a bad case of the blues by sampling the gustatory and spiritual gifts of Italy, India, and Bali. She looks for her inner self by moving around and reaching out. She wants God, whom she talks to now and then; she wants fried zucchini blossoms; and, after some hesitation, she wants sex. The food is shot with all the artistry of a Chef Boyardee TV commercial – close up of plate, fork twirls noodles, Roberts slurps in the noodles and sauce.The “Eat Pray Love” scene is all about external surfaces made to look pretty.But in India, the film feels pulled in two directions as it hits the cliché of an American coming to India on a spiritual journey of self-discovery. It’s hard to take Liz’ stay at an ashram seriously when the whole thing seems like a sham.At the ashram, the film also makes its most offensive move. A young girl Liz meets explains that her parents are forcing her into an arranged marriage. Do you think she would be happy with an arranged marriage? Hell no. She’d be pissed off and complaining like crazy. So to see her react with such nonchalance to this young woman’s dilemma only proves how self-absorbed and dense Liz is. So if Liz’ journey is meant to serve up some feminist triumph, it fails miserably because its focus is so narrow and it’s unwilling to consider the problems of other women.The film also throws a Prince Charming in Liz’ path in the shape of Javier Bardem. He’s sexy, sensitive, and romantic. The problem with this though, is that it makes the film’s ultimate message be that Liz does need a man to complete her. So it seems to go counter to what she is trying to prove, which is that she is complete on her own and all the people who keep telling her that she needs a man are wrong. Granted, many difficult changes were necessary in order to adapt Gilbert’s best-selling memoir to the screen, and in most instances writer-director Ryan Murphy and his co-writer Jennifer Salt chose judiciously. For example, they created real characters for Gilbert’s husband and New York boyfriend (who were but shadowy memories in the book), and they wisely selected the most meaningful interior monologues for Roberts to deliver in voiceover. Unfortunately, the filmmakers totally ignore the book’s light humor—the ironic fusion of Gilbert’s refreshing self-effacement and her sometimes annoying self-aggrandizing.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

The Last Exorcism

The Last Exorcism is an upcoming horror film directed by Daniel Stamm.The film is told from the perspective of a disillusioned evangelical minister, who after years of performing exorcisms decides to participate in a documentary chronicling his last exorcism while exposing the fraud of his ministry. After receiving a letter from a farmer asking for help in driving out the devil, he meets the farmer's afflicted daughter.The tagline and premise of the movie is "If you believe in God, then you must believe in the Devil. "The Last Exorcism" is one of the scariest movies to come along in a long time — until the last five minutes or so, when it completely falls apart.Evangelical Louisiana preacher Cotton Marcus (Patrick Fabian) has been performing exorcisms for the past 25 years but he knows they're all a sham. He long ago lost his faith — if he ever had any, that is — and for a while has had no qualms about taking money from true believers in the name of supporting his own family. But now, with his conscience weighing on him, he decides to let a camera crew come behind the scenes to expose his tricks as he "performs" one last exorcism.There are moments in "The Last Exorcism" that will make you hold your breath, and others that will make you want to look away.
It's rated PG-13 but don't let that fool you into thinking it's soft. Actually, it's the vagueness, the unknown, that make "The Last Exorcism" so powerful — at least for a while.Director Daniel Stamm does a very nice job of slowly hiking up the tension. He eases us into the film's potentially cynical start, giving us the chance to mock the locals' superstition without meanly lingering on it. He's very good at making us feel uneasy about what's going on, as well as being able to make the most of the film's moments of savage violence."The Last Exorcism" makes first-rate use of religious doubt and religious extremism to concoct a novel horror-thriller clever enough to seduce unbelievers while satisfying the bloodlust of its congregation/fanbase.Even before things turn violent, though, Stamm capably creates a suspenseful mood through the naturalism of the film's look, the expert use of silence and pacing.

The Switch

The Switch, formerly titled The Baster, is a romantic comedy-drama film starring Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman.The film is based on the short story "Baster" by Jeffrey Eugenides. An unmarried 40-year-old woman - Kassie Singleton (Jennifer Aniston) decides she wants to have a baby- turns to a turkey baster in order to become pregnant. Despite the objections of her neurotic best friend Wally (Jason Bateman), she chooses to do it alone, with the services of handsome and charming sperm donor Roland (Patrick Wilson). Wally has always had feelings for Kassie, but as his friend (Jeff Goldblum) points out, he missed his chance and she put him in the "friend zone".But things don't go to plan, as Wally gets so drunk at Kassie's "insemination party" that he accidentally spills Roland's semen and replaces it with his own. Seven years later, Kassie returns to New York along with precocious-but-neurotic son Sebastian (Thomas Robinson). Wally forms a bond with this loveable mini-version of himself, but the bad news is that Roland is in the picture too. It's a by-the-numbers movie, but the dots that get connected feel new. Aniston, playing a forward-thinking lonely girl, is at her most sexy and charming.The Switch is more Jason Bateman's movie than Aniston's, and he makes the most of what might have been a stock role. He plays Wally, the frowningly downbeat, way too sincere friend of Kassie (Aniston) — whom, of course, he's secretly in love with. The Switch squeezes fresh laughs out of what is, in essence, a rather startlingly post-Freudian, nature-trumps-nurture view of child development. Wally and Sebastian make a very funny and touchingly well-matched pair of saturnine brainiacs, with goggle-eyed Thomas Robinson playing Sebastian as a chip off the old grouch.The romantic-triangle plot, however, is standard issue: Wilson, looking more than ever like Paul Newman, does his jerk-lite variations, and Bateman winds his way toward the big moment when he declares his feelings to Aniston.The film could have used sharper scenes between Aniston and Bateman. The model here is too Woody Allen-ish, with Wally's neuroses and kvetching dominating their scenes without any real romantic spark. A romantic comedy needs at least some romance between its leads.There is more warmth between Wally and Kassie because of her motherhood and Wally's increasing interest in her son. And the ways the film finds to contrast father and son.Despite a virtually unplayable premise, "The Switch" overcomes this handicap to turn itself into a friendly, offbeat romantic comedy.

Monday 23 August 2010

The Other Guys

The Other Guys is a 2010 action-comedy crime film directed and co-written by Adam McKay. The film stars Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg, and co-stars Dwayne Johnson, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Keaton, Eva Mendes, Steve Coogan, and Ray Stevenson. The plot is about two mismatched New York City detectives seize an opportunity to step up like the city's top cops whom they idolize -- only things don't quite go as planned.
Detective Allen Gamble is a forensic accountant who's more interested in paperwork than hitting the streets. Detective Terry Hoitz is a tough guy who has been stuck with Allen as his partner ever since an unfortunate run-in with Derek Jeter. Detectives Danson (Dwayne Johnson) and Highsmith (Samuel L. Jackson) are pursuing a group of drug dealers in a Cadillac Escalade. After a brief firefight that results in the hood of Highsmith's Chevy Chevelle getting blown into the windshield, the two inadvertently crash into the side of a double decker bus. Danson drives it after the robbers and meticulously slingshots the trapped car out the other side of the bus (with Highsmith firing the whole time) and crashing into the Trump Tower, inexplicably surviving. The robbers manage to get away, until police backup quickly arrives and arrests them.
Detective Allen Gamble (Will Ferrell), is a forensic accountant who's more interested in paperwork than hitting the streets. Detective Terry Hoitz (Mark Wahlberg) has been stuck with Allen as his partner ever since shooting Derek Jeter during the 2003 World Series. Allen idolizes Danson and Highsmith, and both of them receive absolutely no respect from the other officers (especially Allen, who is tricked into firing his gun in the office and gets it confiscated, leaving him with a wooden practice gun). During a pursuit of a group of professional bank robbers, Danson and Highsmith die when they jump off a 20-story building into the sidewalk, inexplicably agreeing to aim for bushes that aren't there. Ferrell’s Allen Gamble likes his desk job. The pushing of paper and picking of nits satisfies his nerdy nature. Street crime doesn’t interest him. That’s precisely where his partner, Terry Hoitz (Wahlberg), wants to be. Hoitz is a blunt hothead with an itchy trigger finger. He screams at Gamble for depriving him of the action he so desperately wants. But once they do hit the streets and start cracking the case, they’re a disastrous misalliance. Expensive for New York, but easy summer entertainment for us.
When an opportunity arises for Terry and Allen (the "other guys") to step up, things don't quite go as planned. As things get worse, Allen and Terry are forced to split up. However, Allen still tries to solve the crime on his own even though Terry thinks it is a dead end. He finally gets credible evidence and earns his gun back. Allen finally convinces Terry to rejoin him and as things begin to go well, they both get shot (Terry taking one in the knee and Allen taking one in the shoulder.) However, the police finally come and rescue the two. They believe that the true heroes are the ones who make the world a better place, not the ones who appear in the newspaper or on TV.
The Other Guys is not only an odd-couple movie, but a wicked parody of badass-cop dramas, with all the shattered-glass, car-chase, bomb-exploding pomp glorified by all action pictures since Die Hard.It's the jokes that work best. And there are a ton of them. Most are chuckles, but there are enough gut-busters to make this one of the best comedies since The Hangover. It has the sweet, silly, and somewhat vulgar stamp of Team Ferrell, for sure—writer/director Adam McKay and co-writer Chris Henchy have worked with the SNL alum on various hits like Anchorman, and together launched“The Other Guys’’ is, at its core, a perceptive satire of the interpersonal boiling points in buddy-cop pictures. The movie works because it feels like its two stars have something they need to get off their chests. Ferrell is experimenting with restraint. His partner clowns around with rage.

Vampires Suck

Vampires Suck is a 2010 American vampire spoof film directed by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, starring Jenn Proske, Matt Lanter, Christopher N. Riggi, Ken Jeong, and Anneliese van der Pol.Vampires Suck has received overwhelmingly negative reviews from critics, and it currently has an approval rating of 5% on Rotten Tomatoes, with the consensus being "Witlessly broad and utterly devoid of laughs, Vampires Suck represents a slight step forward for the Friedberg-Seltzer team. Metacritic, which consists of a normalized rating from 0-100 on reviews from mainstream critics, calculated an average score of 20 based on 14 critics. Surprisingly, Vampires almost exclusively skewers the Twilight franchise with only passing swipes at other properties like Buffy. The story centers on sulky sourpuss Becca Crane (Jenn Proske), who returns to Sporks, Washington, to live with her sheriff dad. At school, she meets and slo-mo moons over pale, pompadoured Edward Sullen (Matt Lanter), part of the mysterious Sullen family of vampires.Becca, an anxious, non-vampire teen, is torn between two boys. Before she can choose, Becca must get around her controlling father, who embarrasses Becca by treating her like a child. Meanwhile, Becca's friends contend with their own romantic issues -- all of which collide at the prom. Also bitten by Becca's, um, charms is Jacob White (Chris Riggi)—instead of Jacob Black,-an oft-shirtless Native-American werewolf sporting a furry tail from his tight jeans. Becca's bloodsucker-lust soon attracts a dangerous clan of nomadic vampires who don't share the Sullens' ethical reservations about drinking human blood. Advisory: This film contains sexual content, violence, strong language and humor at the expense of your favorite celebrity.

The Expendables

Sylvester Stallone's old-tin-soldiers-of-action mercenary thriller, the director-star and his right-hand lug, Jason Statham, lead a band of commandos in an assault on the island fortress of a corrupt general. They show up and attack the general's men with fists, knives, and very big guns. The Expendables is that it's a completely low-tech, brute-force movie.We first meet the Expendables while rescuing the crew of a tanker overtaken by Somali pirates. The main group consists of Barney Ross (Stallone), his right hand man and knife-wielder supreme Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), combat specialist Yin Yang (Jet Li), demolitions expert Toll Road (Randy Couture), heavy weapons god Hale Caesar (Terry Crews) and mandatory loose cannon Gunnar Jenson (Dolph Lundgren). A group of mercenaries is hired to infiltrate a South American country and overthrow its ruthless dictator. Once the mission begins, the men realize things aren't quite as they appear, finding themselves caught in a dangerous web of deceit and betrayal. With their mission thwarted and an innocent life in danger, the men struggle with an even tougher challenge -- one that threatens to destroy this band of brothers. Barney Ross is a man with nothing to lose. Fearless and void of emotion, he is the leader, the sage and the strategist of this tight-knit band of men who live on the fringe. His only attachment is to his pickup truck, his seaplane and his team of loyal modern-day warriors. His is a true cynic who describes what he does as removing those hard to get at stains. The team behind him is made up of Lee Christmas, former SAS and a savant with anything that has a blade; Yin Yang, a master at close-quarter combat; Hale Caesar, who has known Barney for ten years and is a long-barrel weapons specialist; Toll Road, a skilled demolitions expert and considered the intellect of the group; and Gunnar Jensen, a combat veteran and an expert in precision sniping who struggles with his own demons. When the mysterious Church offers Barney a job no one else would take, Barney and his team embark on what appears to be a routine mission: overthrow General Gaza, the murderous dictator of the small island country of Vilena and end the years of death and destruction inflicted on its people. On a reconnaissance mission to Vilena, Barney and Christmas meet their contact Sandra, a local freedom-fighter with a dark secret. They also come to learn who their true enemy is: rogue ex-CIA operative James Monroe and his henchman Paine. When things go terribly wrong, Barney and Christmas are forced to leave Sandra behind, essentially giving her a death sentence. Haunted by this failure, Barney convinces the team to return to Vilena to rescue the hostage and finish the job he started. And to perhaps save a soul: his own. The action scenes are spectacular. Seeing this crew dispatch faceless hordes of soldiers is all kinds of hard-R awesome and never gets old. During the fabulous finale that sees Crews literally tearing the movie apart with his sub-nuclear hand bazooka while the rest of the group maneuvers a multitude of bomb blasts, The Expendables finally proves its point.

Brenda Joyce - Tarzan Actress

Brenda Joyce (February 25, 1917– July 4, 2009) was an American film actress. She was born as Betty Graftina Leabo in Excelsior Springs, Missouri, family and friends referred to her as Graftina, she is best-remembered as the seventh actress to play Jane in the Tarzan series of films. Her first four appearances as Jane were opposite Johnny Weissmuller. However, her last performance as Jane, in Tarzan's Magic Fountain (1949), was with Lex Barker as Tarzan. Joyce and Karla Schramm from the silent era were the only two actresses to play Jane opposite two different actors playing Tarzan. Tarzan began from an aviatrix emerges. An aviatrix emerges from the jungle looking as young as she was when her plane went down many years before. Unscrupulous hunters discover that this is due to a secret fountain of youth. Tarzan tries to keep the hunters from finding the hidden valley setting of the fountain. The flyer ages as the effects of the fountain wear off. TARZAN'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN has an intriguing opening; a long-missing 'Amelia Earhart'-type aviatrix (Evelyn Ankers) comes out of the jungle, looking years younger than her actual age, to save her wrongly convicted husband (future 'Batman' star Alan Napier). While Tarzan knows the secret of her youth, he refuses to share the knowledge with Jane. Soon the couple return, and the woman flier has aged, considerably.Tarzan refuses to return the couple and their party to where she had achieved her 'youth', so Jane decides to take them herself, based on what the flier remembered of the journey, and the bits and pieces she'd learned from Tarzan. The group reach a forbidden city, and a fountain that IS the 'Fountain of Youth'...and face the ire of the 'lost civilization' living there, who had trusted Tarzan to keep their location secret. Naturally, the other members of the couple's group turn out to be money-hungry evil men, who reveal their true intentions with bloodshed...and it's Tarzan to the rescue! Brenda Joyce has died of pneumonia at the age of 92. She died on 4 July at a nursing home in New York, after a decade-long battle with dementia.

Alpha and Omega

What is the movie for our kids next day? You may interest with Alpha and Omega from Lionsgate Studio.This film story about Humphrey is an Omega wolf, and Kate is an Alpha: duty, discipline and sleek Lara Croft eye-popping moves fuel her fire. Humphrey's motto - make 'em laugh. Kate's motto - I'm the boss. And they have a thousand miles to go. Back home rival wolf packs are on the march and conflict is brewing. Only Kate and Humphrey can restore the peace. But first, they have to survive each other. Ultimate road trip are Hitchhiking, truck stops, angry bears, prickly porcupines and a golfing goose with a duck caddy. Just ask Kate and Humphrey, two wolves who are trying to get home after being taken by park rangers and shipped halfway across the country. The plot of the story is about two young wolves at opposite ends of their pack's social order are thrown together into a foreign land and need each other to return home, but love complicates everything.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio is an American actor and producer, receive multiple awards including a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor, a Silver Bear, a Chlotrudis Award and a Satellite Award, and has been nominated by the Screen Actors Guild and the British Academy of Film and Television. DiCaprio pulls off a range of ravishing tailored suits that easily translate from the big-screen to your everyday wardrobe, think layering, mix and matching, straight suits and casual suits. After proving himself as the best actor, now he wants to work as a director. Although his best known work has been with filmmaker Martin Scorsese, DiCaprio admits he has a great admirer of Christopher Nolan, who directed him in "Inception".

Friday 20 August 2010

Scott Pilgrim and Eat Pray Love have been defeated by The Expendables ?

Today, Scott Pilgrim - Inception - Lottery Ticket listed in twitter trending topics. Even The Expendables starring a bunch of Hollywood toughs including Sylvester Stallone beats Eats Pray Love and Scott Pilgrim, brought in $35 million, according to studio estimates Sunday.
Julia Roberts in the comma-less "Eat Pray Love" was No. 2 with $23.7 million, and "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World," based on the graphic series, could do no better than No. 5, with $10.5 million. Scott Pilgrim and The Expendables both Action genre movie, but Scott come with comedy style. We may think that pure Action can beat Comedy Action? Probably! Or, The Expendables more popular because of Sylvester Stallone brand. Barney Ross leads the "Expendables", a band of highly skilled mercenaries including knife enthusiast Lee Christmas, martial arts expert Yin Yang, heavy weapons specialist Hale Caesar, demolitionist Toll Road and loose-cannon sniper Gunner Jensen. When the group is commissioned by the mysterious Mr. Church to assassinate the merciless dictator of a small South American island, Barney and Lee head to the remote locale to scout out their opposition. Once there, they meet with local rebel Sandra and discover the true nature of the conflict engulfing the city. When they escape the island and Sandra stays behind, Ross must choose to either walk away and save his own life - or attempt a suicidal rescue mission that might just save his soul. THE EXPENDABLES is a hard-hitting action/thriller about a group of mercenaries hired to infiltrate a South American country and overthrow its ruthless dictator. Meanwhile, Scott Pilgrim, 23 years old, in a rock band, "between jobs," and dating a cute high school girl. Everything's fantastic until a seriously mind-blowing, dangerously fashionable, roller blading delivery girl named Ramona Flowers starts cruising through his dreams and sailing by him at parties.Scott Pilgrim must defeat all seven of the bad guys and get the girl.

Thursday 19 August 2010

Resident Evil 4 : Afterlife

Resident Evil ist eine Videospiel-Reihe und Medien, bestehend aus Franchise-Comic-Bücher, Novelizations, Filme und eine Vielzahl von Sammlerstücken, darunter Actionfiguren, Strategie-Guides und publications.Developed von Capcom und Shinji Mikami.Resident Böse geschaffen werden für das Jahr 1996 Debüt auf der Sony PlayStation und später auf dem Sega Saturn.Five Resident Evil Filme sind freigelassen worden und man soll veröffentlicht September 10, 2010: Resident Evil 4: Afterlife. Hier ist die Zusammenfassung Film: In einer Welt, die von einem Virus-Infektion heimgesucht, Drehen seine Opfer in die Untoten, Alice, weiterhin auf ihrer Reise, Überlebende zu finden und führen sie in Sicherheit. Ihr tödlicher Kampf mit der Umbrella Corporation erreicht neue Höhen, aber Alice bekommt unerwartete Hilfe von einem alten Freund. Ein neuer führen, dass ein sicherer Hafen aus der Undead nimmt sie nach Los Angeles verspricht, aber wenn sie kommen der Stadt wird von Tausenden von Untoten überrannt - und Alice und ihre Kameraden sind im Begriff, in eine tödliche Falle zu treten. Es gibt Tonnen von neuen Aufnahmen, darunter noch mehr 3D "Effekte" mit den Dingen unter der screen.RESIDENT EVIL: Afterlife wieder auf das populäre Videospiel-Serie basiert, und wird diesmal in 3-D dargestellt werden. "Dieses Skript war erstaunlich. Es gab ein paar Änderungen, die nicht wirklich Sinn machen, wie Chris Wesen der amerikanischen Ureinwohner und nicht ein Mitglied Sternen, aber es war immer noch so verdammt gut. Whatta Shithead Paul (WS) Anderson wirklich weiß, wie es vermasseln einen Film. Romero ist der Pate von Zombie-Filmen und dieser Film erschüttert hatten Sony und Capcom nicht so dumm. Capcom über die Veränderungen Romero machte aber Blick auf Andersons Stück Scheiße gemeckert, das einzige, was sie gemeinsam hat mit dem Wohnsitz Böses Spiel ist, dass es ein Zombie-Films. Anderson nicht immer etwas aus dem Spiel, Anderson spuckte auf den großen Namen der Resident Evil, und er zusammen mit Capcom bespuckt alle Fans. " , sagte Decker.

Saturday 14 August 2010

Piranha 3D

Every year the population of sleepy Lake Victoria explodes from 5,000 to 50,000 for Spring Break, a riot of sun and drunken fun. But this year, there's something more to worry about than hangovers and complaints from local old timers; A new type of terror is about to be cut loose on Lake Victoria.When a tremor in Lake Havasu, Arizona cracks the lake floor open, a prehistoric strain of fish are set loose and people begin to disappear. After a sudden underwater tremor sets free scores of the prehistoric man-eating fish, an unlikely group of strangers must band together to stop themselves from becoming fish food for the area's new razor-toothed residents. This filming location is Lake Havasu, Arizona, USA. It's remake of the 1978 film Piranha; starring : Elisabeth Shue, Adam Scott, Jerry O'Connell, Ving Rhames, Richard Dreyfuss; directed by : Alexandre Aja. He further stated "it's such a difficult movie, not only because of the technicality of it and the CGI fish, but also because it all happens in a lake. We were supposed to start shooting now, but the longer to leave it the colder the water gets. The movie takes place during Spring Break and, of course, the studio wanted it ready for the summer, but if you've got 1,000 people who need to get murdered in the water, you have to wait for the right temperature for the water, for the weather, for everything.

Nanny McPhee

Nanny McPhee is a 2005 fantasy film starring Emma Thompson ( also wrote the screenplay, which is adapted from Christianna Brand's Nurse Matilda books). Nanny McPhee arrives to help a harried young mother who is trying to run the family farm while her husband is away at war, though she uses her magic to teach the woman's children and their two spoiled cousins five new lessons.Emma Thompson following a very strict and very ugly nanny who brings order and manners to a household full of naughty children. In addition to emphasizing discipline, manners and accepting the consequences of one's actions, Nanny McPhee has five very important base lessons to teach — each of which correspond to her various unattractive physical attributes: gray hair, lumpy figure, large droopy earlobes, two large moles, a uni brow, a large, bulbous nose, and a snaggle-tooth protruding over her bottom lip, all of which give her the appearance of a stereotypical witch. Nanny McPhee is as ugly as the children are naughty, so whenever a lesson is learned, at least one of her disfigurements vanishes. When all five lessons are learned, Nanny McPhee transforms from ugly and old to young and beautiful. According to one of the special bonus features, her weight gradually goes away, with it completely vanishing once they learn their fifth lesson.

First lesson - To go to bed when they are told (and say please) - Hair goes from gray to brown
Second lesson - To get up when they are told - Higher Wart disappears
Third lesson - To get dressed when they are told - Lower Wart disappears
Fourth lesson - To listen (and say thank you) - Uni brow disappears, hair turns blonder & wavy, droopy earlobes disappear, complexion improves.
Fifth lesson - To do as they are told - Nose no longer bulbous & the snaggle tooth disappears.

The storyline was very predictable as well. Basically it's just the first movie with a different set of characters. In the final analysis, this is a better film than its predecessor. It is more lovingly-crafted, less fantastic in the literal sense and more sharply observed.

Lottery Ticket

Lottery Ticket is an comedy film starring Bow Wow, Brandon T. Jackson, Naturi Naughton and Ice Cube, distributors: Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution.The story follows Kevin Carson who has to endure a weekend in the projects battling opportunistic neighbors, all while holding a winning lottery ticket. Kevin Carson (Bow Wow - 2003 and 2008 nominat4ed for Black Reel Award), a young man living in the projects, wins $370 million in a nationwide lottery. When his opportunistic neighbors discover he has the winning ticket in his possession, Kevin must survive their greedy and sometimes even threatening actions over a three-day holiday weekend before he can claim his prize. An 18-year-old living in the projects must survive a three-day weekend after his opportunistic neighbors find out he's holding a winning lottery ticket worth millions. The film is about how stupid and boring First Sunday was. A man finds out his neighbor has a winning lottery ticket and tries to get it. This film soundtrack - will be relased August 24, 2010 via Columbia Records.

Monday 9 August 2010

I Spit On Your Grave

I Spit On Your Grave, is a controversial rape and revenge movie from 1978. This movie earned an R rating upon its original American release in 1978. Camille Keaton (the grand-niece of Buster Keaton) won a Best Actress award for her role in this movie at the 1978 Catalonian International Film Festival in Spain. As I Spit on Your Grave, the movie was censored and released in the United States in 1980. Many countries, such as Ireland, Norway, Iceland, and the former government of West Germany, banned this movie altogether, claiming that the movie "glorified violence against women". Canada initially banned the movie, but in the 1990s, decided to allow its individual provinces to decide whether to permit its release. Since 1998, some provinces (such as Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Quebec) have released this movie, with a rating that reflects its content.The film was unofficially remade in 1985 as Naked Vengeance, a low-budget thriller shot in the Philippines. CineTel Films has acquired rights to remake I Spit on your Grave 2010 and has planned a Halloween 2010 worldwide theatrical release. The movie is being produced by CineTel president and CEO Paul Hertzberg and Lisa Hansen, with Jeff Klein, Alan Ostroff, Gary Needle and Zarchi as executive producers. Filming began on November 2, 2009, with Steven R. Monroe directing and starring new-comer Sarah Butler.Sarah Butler's Jennifer Hills character is a young writer seeking serenity to help the process of completing her newest book. What she has forced upon her soon after arriving and adjusting to the rustic peace of a lakeside rental cabin are amongst the most disturbing scenes I have ever witnessed and I've seen many intense, horrifying films in my life. Her performance for me ranks with the great turns of fellow big screen rape survivors, such as Ned Beatty in Deliverance and Jodie Foster in The Accused! Butler's shattering, heart stopping and completely believable performance of a woman in this nightmarish ordeal is never exploitative (and neither is Monroe's direction of the attack). The raw brutality of sexual assault is shown in the proper context. That is, a crime of power, domination and humiliation.The film follows Jennifer, a writer who is working on a new novel and needs to get out of the city to finish it. She hires a riverside apartment in upstate New York to finish her novel, attracting the attention of a number of rowdy male locals. They catch Jenifer one day and strip her naked for the village idiot (Matthew) and rape her. Jennifer is later attacked and raped a further two times by the four degenerates, and her novel is also destroyed. But Jennifer slowly recovers and in her now-twisted, psychotic mind, she then begins to seek revenge on the four men who raped her. She is humiliated, sodomized over a rock, and brutally beaten in the middle of the woods. Then she crawls home, naked and bruised, only to get a repeat performance with her new novel shredded, her stomach kicked, and a bottle rammed violently inside her. The experience leaves Jenny shell-shocked, a cipher completely detached from reality. She hangs the delivery boy from a tree, gorily castrates the ringleader in a bathtub, and dispatches the other two rapists with an axe and an outboard motor

Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3, is more serious than it seems and hardly seems serious at all.Woody and Buzz had accepted that their owner Andy would grow up someday, but what happens when that day arrives? In the third installment, Andy is preparing to depart for college, leaving his loyal toys troubled about their uncertain future.The beloved characters are back: Woody, Buzz, cowgirl Jessie, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Dinosaur and Barbie. But their character arcs take new turns. Buzz goes bilingual, and Mr. Potato Head sheds his spud for a tortilla. They tangle with formidable foes, including an ascot-wearing Ken doll, the wonky-eyed Big Baby, a worn purple teddy bear named Lots-O'-Huggin' and a screeching Monkey. Toy Story 3 is as sweet, as touching, there ain't a dry eye in the house during the last 10 minutes. The story mixes comedy, drama and action with impressive skill, except this is beyond skill. The writing shows a deftness of touch that provides Toy Story 3 with emotional depth. And director Lee Unkrich, a Pixar fixture who co-directed Toy Story 2 (among other films), shows the same mastery of elements evident in the other Toy Story films, allowing for a seamless continuity. The scenes in which the toys attempt their escape are as exciting as anything found in the best prison movies. The story really starts when the toys find themselves donated to a day care center, which at first seems like an ideal fate. At least they'll get played with. But that's how things often are: A situation that seems idyllic turns out to be awful. A host (in this case a stuffed bear voiced by Ned Beatty), who seems relaxed and genial, turns out to be a damaged monster. "Toy Story 3" might be a children's film, but the older you are, the more you'll know it's true.Woody and his friend go through a few changes, too. “Toy Story 3’’ hits a high point of comic surrealism when Mr. Potato Head is forced to reinvent himself as Mr. Pita Bread Head — it’s harder than it looks, especially when a pigeon turns up — and Buzz goes through more personalities than Joanne Woodward in “The Three Faces of Eve.’’ A mistimed electronics reset turns him into Spanish Buzz Lightyear, an achingly funny Latin lover hankering for a paso doble with Jessie.

Friday 6 August 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Scott Pilgrim is a graphic novel series by Bryan Lee O'Malley, consisting of six digest size black-and-white volumes, released between August 18, 2004 and July 20, 2010; all are published by Portland-based independent comic book publisher Oni Press. The name "Scott Pilgrim" originates from a song by the all-girl, Halifax, Nova Scotia, '90s band Plumtree. "Pilgrim" was borrowed from local musician Philip Pilgrim.
The series is about 23-year-old Canadian Scott Pilgrim, a slacker, hero, and part-time bassist who is living in Toronto and plays bass guitar in the band "Sex Bob-Omb." .Scott Pilgrim is 23 years old, living in the big city with his gay roommate, just trying to get by in this crazy world. He's in a band. He's lazy. He likes video games.Scott Pilgrim likes the new girl in town, Ramona Flowers, but to win her heart, he has to defeat her seven evil ex-boyfriends. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is an upcoming film directed by Edgar Wright based on the comic book series Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O'Malley. The film is about Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) meeting the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). In order to win Ramona over, Scott learns that he must battle Ramona's seven evil exes, who are coming to kill him.Director/producer/co-writer Edgar Wright ("Shaun of the Dead," "Hot Fuzz") has successfully reproduced the imagery and worldview of Bryan Lee O'Malley's graphic novel, itself a mash-up of ordinary characters lost in a world of manga, video games, music videos and comic book iconography. So the rest of the movie is taken up with heroic duels with ex-boyfriends -- no, check that, also one ex-girlfriend from when Ramona was "going through a phase" -- where the fights revolve around battles with fists, poorly staged martial arts, bellowing musical instruments, flashing knives and, yes, half-and-half.Scott's budding relationship with the tortured Ramona is complicated by the fact that, in order to be with her, he must first defeat her Seven Evil Exes, all of whom show up at random to do battle with Scott à la Street Fighter IV.

Thursday 5 August 2010


The best movie we have seen in years. DiCaprio's character, Dom Cobb, works as an "extraction" expert, able to enter someone's subconscious and purloin valuable information for a fee. (He's the Carnac the Magnificent of corporate espionage, albeit working with more electronics and pharmaceuticals.) Ken Watanabe's impossibly rich industrialist hires Cobb not to extract but to implant an idea in the brain of a rival businessman ( Cillian Murphy). If this idea to break up his family company succeeds, Watanabe's empire expands, and Cobb — an international fugitive, sought by extradition authorities — can go home to America and his beloved kids. Dom and a team of specialists, including a right-hand man (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), an architect (Ellen Page), and a "forger" (Tom Hardy) who can morph into another person's identity, have developed techniques to actually enter a subject's dream. And once on the premises, they can steal secrets. Demand for their services is great, and the team zips around the world. But Dom, a man with secrets of his own, wants to quit the business and return home to his kids. To do so, he takes on One Last Job, a mission with a twist: Rather than extracting an idea buried deep in a dreamer's subconscious, Dom must plant the seed of an idea that will, in waking life, take root — an experimental process called inception. Ken Watanabe plays the tycoon who hires Dom for the job, angling to undo a competitor. Cillian Murphy plays the mark, the heir to a rival business fortune. In a tall tale where every character's name is crafted to signify something to cultists, naming Murphy's character Robert Fischer is a sure sign that Nolan is setting up a gleefully rigged game of chess. Speaking of names, consider Dom's beautiful, haunting wife, played with tenderness and a wiry undercurrent of malice by Marion Cotillard: Her name is Mal. As in the Latin for evil. Before you can understand Inception, you have to understand extraction. It's when one person enters another person's mind through a dream and steals an idea or information. (Extraction is such a potent threat in big business espionage that high-level CEO-types train their subconscious to seek out and eliminate the threat of a foreign extractor.) Inception is the opposite of that - an outsider planting an idea and convincing the dreamer that he created it. It's rare, if not completely unheard of, and that's exactly what Cobb has to do if he wants to clear his name to return home. If your head is already spinning with questions, you won't have time to ask them before an entire city block twists and collapses on itself or the perspective shifts, altering your entire perception. Inception is more about the answers than the questions. Writer-director Christopher Nolan knows to illustrate his answers with actual situations in the film -- so that our doubts and uncertainties are given visual proof.
Following up on such ingenious and intriguing films as "The Dark Knight" and "Memento," Nolan has outdone himself. "Inception" puts him not only at the top of the heap of sci-fi all-stars, but it also should put this Warner Bros. Dreamscape" (1984) featured a man who could enter and manipulate dreams, and, of course, in "The Matrix" (1999) human beings and machines battled on various reality levels created by artificial intelligence. In "Inception," Nolan imagines a new kind of corporate espionage wherein a thief enters a person's brain during the dream state to steal ideas. This is done by an entire team of "extractors" who design the architecture of the dreams, forge identities within the dream and even pharmacologically help several people to share these dreams.